Statistics for the first year students from medical school
Statistics for the first year students from medical school
Statistics and probability for 2nd year students, biology major
Basic programming skills for 2nd year students, biology major
Dynamical models for biology for 3nd year students, biology major
Construction of core and pan génome, introduction to graph theory
Tests, linear model and principal component analysis
Differential analysis, unsupervised classification and network inference
Modelisation of RNA-seq data, analysis with Bioconductor packages
Introduction to the notions of replication, randomisation and blocking.
Teachin in the Statistics Department (STID) of "IUT Paris Descartes"
Teaching assistant at the "IUT de Sceaux"
Consulting for the creation of the MOOC "Introduction à la Statistique avec R" in the plateform France Université Numérique (FUN)
Consulting for the museum "Exploradôme", a museum of sciences and sustainable development